台北归来 Landmarks, Taipei

19 新加坡画家联展 | 19 Singapore Artists Exhibition

Official Opening : 08 Aug 2009, Saturday 3.00pm
Exhibition Venue : Black Earth Museum
No 352B, Joo Chiat Road,
Singapore 427599
Exhibition Dates : 08 - 16 Aug 2009, 12.00 noon - 9.00 pm


…凡是不朽之作, 都充满着激情. 我们此行到台北写生, 因亲临其境, 也能产生激情. 希望内在的激情能表现在作品上. 此行画作, 有一部分将于黑土地美术馆展出. 如其中或有一两幅佳作, 能在艺术大道上留下痕迹, 那我们就不虚此行了.

…Masterpieces in painting are born out of sustained patience. It is hoped that this quality is reflected in the works of the artists who went on a painting expedition inTaipei. If one or works of distinction emerge it would make the expedition of the works will be exhibition at the Black Earth Museum.